
megamind It’s well to know that “Megamind” makes good team with “Monsters and Aliens” as the same cartoon studio, namely Dreamworks, has produced them. Although Dreamworks cannot ever hope to get ahead the giant Pixar, it has begun to create its own style which responds very well, I think, to the tastes of those who are fed up by Pixar’s sentimentality.

In brief, “Megamind” (as well as “Monsters and Aliens”) has a lot of action. It also contains many cultural references that certainly pass unnoticed by the children. The cartoonists do not shrink from showing us buildings that tumble down, explosions, spaceship pursuits and various situations, one more dangerous or entertaining than the other. The sound track comes hand in hand with this rhythm of telling the story: who has ever seen a cartoon with Black Sabbath and AC/DC on the sound track? 

But “Megamind” pays a price for so many tricks; that is, it lacks a bit of heart. I mean it is funny and interesting but exactly as in the case of “Monsters and Aliens”, once you leave this world that is nothing but a reference to something else, you have the feeling of forgetting all about it. What “Monsters and Aliens” did for the SF films from the ‘50s, “Megamind” does for everything that means “superhero culture” nowadays.

Taking into consideration all the stereotypes this film makes fun of, as it mocks at and in the same time glorifies the superheroes stories, almost nothing original is left unfortunately. This is the problem when you make a parody. It does not have its own creative support to help it stay on its own feet. These being said, Will Ferrell and Brad Pitt are the main voices and the main antagonists; it’s a true pleasure to listen to them.

Tina Fey borrows her voice to the main heroin but I do no really understand how she got the part. She distinguishes herself by absolutely nothing, not even by the rhythm of delivering the speeches. Jonah Hill and David Cross complete the distribution.

“Megamind” is fun, of course, but unfortunately is not at all memorable. On the other hand, one feels the love the cartoonists have for the cartoons and for the heroes. But I would like they use this passion for something truly new and interesting because, if it keeps going this way, Dreamworks will be short of subject to make fun of. After SF and superheroes, what else? Soap operas?

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